Sunday, August 21, 2016

Not So Fast, 2016!

So, 2016 thought it could sneak by without a post?  Well, too bad.
My unofficial follower count doubled last month, so I owe them all both something for their flappable support.  Unfortunately, this is it:

I haven't had much time for mackerspacing lately since I decided I wasn't pleased with my old psychological state.  Not sure if I'm completely happy with my new one, but I think it'll do for now.

This seems like a good time to finish one of my unfinished projects... should I complete the Amish Oddyssey game, or the Dartboard?   I flip a coin and the winner is...

Start a new project to unfinish!  I've started salvaging some electronics from the local thrift stores and ordered a crazy multi-servo driver shield from Adafruit that may or may not be the correct tool for the job, but I panicked and ordered it anyway.

I will probably start posting my experiments with servos some time in the next few weeks, months or years.  In your face, 2016.