Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Slow Going Slow

Here is a much anticipated update for my 0 followers and 0 page hits per day.

I laid out the perf board and decided to commit... so I soldered the LEDs, resistors and sockets to the board.

Here is a photo with my rough draft, rats nest wiring diagram. The LEDs are on the other side so they poke out through the 6 holes in the front of the dartboard where the buttons used to be.

 I need to go back to my nice Fritzing diagram to make sure I have everything going to the right place.  I kinda reversed the sides of the duino, so I'll have to update the sketch code to use some different pins, but shouldn't be a big deal... as long as I get the dartboard ribbon connectors in the right order, everything else should be easy enough to adjust.

3 challenges:
1) wiring this up without screwing up
2) the USB mini connector was too large to fit inside the dartboard case when plugged into the duino the way i have it set up
3) since i used a socket for the microprocessor on the duino, this board is a little too tall, so the back cover of the dartboard won't go on

My plans:
1) don't screw it up
2) I bought a left-angle mini USB cable from Star Tech that fits perfectly
3) ugh. I guess I'll cut a window out of the cover and use spacers or something.  Maybe I'll think of something else.  I'll have to consider that it has to hang back up flush against a wall and get hit by darts.

Still need to work on the pygame.


  1. Well - you now have one follower, and I sure hope you can make this work. I would like to discuss the dartboard and my ideas with you at some point.

  2. Hi Marky. Thanks for the comment. I hope I can make this work, too :)
    I have obviously neglected this project for the past few months, so your comment should give it a much needed kick in the pants.

  3. A little late, but interested in copying your work and adapting to my dartboard. #2 follower?

    1. Hi Bruce. Copy away. Please let me know where you make improvements. Twice as many followers overnight... boggles the mind.
