Tuesday, March 17, 2015

If My Parents Didn't Pay My Friends To Be My Friends...

Another paid poster revives this blog.

I'll try to blog a little, you know, like a real blogger.  But I'm not fooling anybody, and I really have to go to the bathroom, so this will be brief -- if we're lucky.

Last I checked, which was many months ago,  the damn dartboard worked.  I think I may have renamed it "Dartboarduino" or something clever like that.  I printed out new stickers for it and hung it on the wall and threw a few darts at it a couple of times.

I wrote a lame python script that had a simple menu and played a basic around-the-world-ish game.  It wasn't very cool, but proved that the thing worked.  I was running it on a raspberry pi to a small led tv and I think some of it was just too much graphics for the poor little pi.  I meant to get back to the software, but never did.

I also meant to rewrite the duino sketch to do different things with the LEDs, but never did.

I also meant to somewhat formalize the api/protocol/messaging thingies, but never did.

Instead, I started to write an Atari Adventure parody in pygame called "Amish Oddyssey" (see how I did that "odd" thing with the word "odyssey"? get it? ha?)   It looked like this the last time I worked on it a couple weeks ago:
Eli carries the scythe to the open doors of the red barn.

Eli Enters the Red Barn to find Schwartzentruber, the black angus, guarding the hand-made basket and assertively mooing to express her anxiety, which is a direct result of Eli's proximity to the basket.

Eli searches for the key to the white barn in the corn maze.

Eli captures the hand-made quilt from under the nose of Yoder, the seemingly disinterested purple hereford.
I thought, "I'll just finish this game real quick-like and then rewrite the dartboard game and then build my theremin and then write my novel and then direct my movie and then move on with my life."

I also recently received a top secret message from google saying that google code hosting is ceasing to be, and I will need to move my code somewhere else, like github.  Which I will do and I will tell all of you paid posters all about it in a new post, and then in 9 months you can comment here with something like, "This is great.  Keep up the great work.  How great is it? Great." and then you can do the same for the 6000 other blogs with no recent activity.

I'll also put my updated python code on github... and probably the code for this Amish Oddyssey travesty (the cows really "moo," so I have that going for me).

Must. Pee. Now.


  1. Awesome Man. Lol. The cow game is cool. And sorry for bringing the blog back from the dead. I'm pretty new to arduino and wanted to learn by doing the same thing with a dartboard. Any reason you used muxes instead of just the arduino pins? I was also looking at a project called "Pydarts" that is very similar to yours for ideas. check it out, it might help.

    Anyway, tell your mom thanks for the friend payment. And keep up the hard work.

  2. Hmm... not sure I had a good reason to use muxes. I believe I wanted to save pins for other stuff and didn't think there were enough pins to begin with. I don't think I realized I could use some of the analog pins. Part of it was probably because it was more challenging and an opportunity to work with the muxes and implement that particular design.

    I also think I ran into some problem using one of the other duino pins and I didn't know why, but it worked when I just used some of the other mux outputs. I don't recall if I was trying to use one of the serial pins and I couldn't due to the USB? Of course, this is my first jump into electronics, so I may not know any better.. may have missed something obvious. Please feel free to point out any stupid mistakes.

    I think I looked at pydarts at one point, but I'll take another look. I thought there was something different enough about it that made me look away, but I just don't 'member.

    Thanks for the kind words, I'll tell mom she's getting her money's worth.
